When Do You Blog?

I’m fairly busy with a load of tasks at work, but often I use a fun technology or enhance my learning when I can’t find a solution on Google and I think these would make good blog posts. The problem is finding the time to actually write them. Writing a blog post (at least for me) is often more than just typing for a few minutes. It involves code samples, occasional screen shots, previewing and making corrections and then finally posting. For a somewhat in-depth post this can take an hour or several. I have a running set of potential posts I would like to write but my list is getting longer and longer without much actually happening.

So, here’s my question. If you blog on a fairly regular basis (every week or a few times a month) and your posts are mostly instructional when do you do it? Do you have a few hours a week (like Friday after lunch) set aside to do this? Do you do it at 2am when the family is sleeping? Does your employer frown on you blogging on work time or do they actually promote it? For me, my employer doesn’t really know that I do it but they do occasionally see a post or two. I just discipline myself not to take too much work time to do it.

Do you have any tips that you have discovered that make the process a little smoother?

Do you have an assistant?   I’m serious on this one. A lot of my time is spent on correcting errors, re-wording sections and fiddling with format. If I was a professional blogger I’d probably do like movie composers do. I’d write the content, throw it together and then throw it over the wall. Let my assistant clean it up and rephrase complicated sections. Then I’d proof it and post it. I’m sure many professional bloggers have a similar set up. Any services that are somewhat reasonable that you use and would recommend? Maybe this is a market that is yet untapped. 


3 Replies to “When Do You Blog?”

  1. I blog when the spirit moves me. When I’ve got an idea that I can’t get out of my head, I stop whatever I’m doing and I blog. I rarely schedule blogging unless I feel like I haven’t found anything write about lately, then I force myself, usually weekdays after 9pm.

  2. Hey Scott,

    Thanks for the quick and great reply. I would love to get to this point but I always feel like I don’t have time. Largely because it does take an hour or so for me to feel like my “instructional” posts are blog worthy. 🙂

  3. I tend to move from moods to moods over time. For example, this month I’m going over all my contact messages from my blog hence my months late reply!

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