Serving Dynamic SSRS Excel Formatted Documents Via a MemoryStream

On an old Web Forms app we had the request to allow users to download the data from a formatted SSRS report as an Excel spreadsheet.  They currently view the formatted report using the ReportViewerControl, however, when you use the export feature it exports it to Excel with all the formatting of the report, including groups.  This is fairly unusable.  What you really need is a simple spreadsheet with a cell for every value without any grouping.

So, I created a report that had no grouping or formatting and a column for every field of data. 

I could have forced the user to view this ugly report in the ReportViewer and then export it as an Excel spreadsheet but I wanted them to be able to click on a link and get the report directly.  That’s easy enough because you can get an SSRS report formatted as Excel by appending “rs:Format=Excel” to the end of the report url.  This doesn’t work for us, however, for two reasons:

1) The website is accessible to users outside our network and the SSRS server is not.

2) The report retrieves sensitive data filtered by a parameter.  It would be fairly easy for a user to change the parameters in the url to obtain data they shouldn’t be viewing.

In the ReportViewerControl we change the parameters on the server side so the user simply views the generated report with no option to change the parameters.  Now, I needed a way to let them download the Excel version with the same restrictions.

Below is the solution I used with the help of several different other sites on the web.

I created a hanlder that would create the url with the proper parameters and formatting, retrieve the report and then send it out to the user as an Excel document. This way when the user clicked the link for Excel version of the report their browser would open a dialogue to Open or Save the Excel file.  Works like a charm.


Here is the code:

1: Public Sub ProcessRequest( ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
2: context.Response.Clear()
3: context.Response.BufferOutput = True
4: context.Response.ClearContent()
5: context.Response.ClearHeaders()
7: Dim uri As String = ” http://san-destiny/ReportServer?%2fSELPA+Reports%2fDistrict+Errors+Detail+CSV+-+CASEMIS&rs:Format=Excel&DistrictName= ” & Utility.GetDistrictNameForUser()
9: Dim request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(uri)
10: request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials
12: Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
13: Dim responseStream As System.IO.Stream = request.GetResponse.GetResponseStream()
15: Dim buffer(4096) As Byte , blockSize As Integer
16: Dim tempStream As New MemoryStream
17: Do
18: blockSize = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4096)
19: If blockSize > 0 Then tempStream.Write(buffer, 0, blockSize)
20: Loop While blockSize > 0
22: context.Response.AddHeader(” Content-Type “, ” application/xls “)
23: context.Response.ContentType = ” application/xls
24: context.Response.AppendHeader(” Content-disposition “, ” attachment;filename=CASEMISErrorReport.xls “)
25: context.Response.BinaryWrite(tempStream.ToArray())
27: context.Response.Flush()
28: context.Response. End ()
29: End Sub


The first few lines simply clear any headers or content that may be initially set.  This is mandatory when sending files because we are going to be setting the headers later.

Line 7 is the url of our report.  Notice that “rs:Format=Excel” is in the url letting SSRS know we want this report as an Excel doc.  Also notice that I set the DistrictName parameter by getting the logged in user’s district name via a utility method.

Line 8 sets up an HttpWebRequest object so that we can make a call to the SSRS server just as you would with a browser. 

Since the SSRS server is on our domain and user restrictions are in place Line 9 sets the credentials we need. Our webapp impersonates a user with the correct access so that we can have the proper security restrictions in place yet allow non-domain users access to the data.  This impersonation is set up in the web.config and DefaultNetworkCredentials looks their first to get the credential information.

Lines 12 & 13 simply grab the web response and sets up a Stream object to read it with.

Lines 15 – 20 sets up a temporary MemoryStream object which holds the bytes read from the response (remember SSRS is sending us an Excel file, which is a binary file, not plain text).

Lines 22 – 28 finally sets up the headers and content type, sends the bytes and closes the stream.


I probably didn’t need a MemoryStream object.  In the loop I probably could have written the bytes directly to the context.Response object.  But this seems a little easier to read and potentially debug if necessary.


In the end I’d rather use MVC.  In fact I created the exact same result (except as a CSV file) using MVC and LINQ.  It was a snap and I had it done in 5 minutes.  Unfortunately the current site is on a Windows 2000 server and makes heavy use of Web Forms and the SSRS viewer controls.  I know I could have simply had the link request the result from an MVC app on another server but I wanted to keep this all fairly consistent and coherent.

Look for me to change this all up next year when I’ve moved our department webpage entirely over to MVC.

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5 Replies to “Serving Dynamic SSRS Excel Formatted Documents Via a MemoryStream”

  1. Hey Matt,
    Is there anyway we can get the IP of a user running a report as a parameter for the report?

    We have the username(User!userid) as a builtin parameter but our requirement is to find out Who ran the report,(userid), when they ran that report(Executiontime) and from where(Machine name or IP)
    And we cannot figure out how to get the IP

    Any help will be highly appreciated.

  2. Hi Ameet,
    You should be able to grab the IP address of the request by using the Request.ServerVariables collection:

    Take a look at this page for all the different variables you can find in this collection.
    This collection is a pretty great source of information.

    Also, remember that the IP address may not be the actual IP address of the user. If you are on an internal network that should be fine, but if you are getting hits from the public then their IP may be whatever their router or ISP uses. This means several different people on different computers (say a college campus computer lab) may be hitting your website all with the same request IP and not technically the actual machine IP.

  3. Hi Matt,

    Forgive the ASP newbie question. But I’ve got the code written and apparently working inside a class on the .vb page in a project I’m working on. My question is: how do I call it from the aspx page itself? I’m at a bit of a loss.

    Thank you!

  4. Hi Robin,

    The example above is meant to be inside of an ASP Handler. To create one of these you would right-click on the folder you wanted to put the file in and select Add New. Then you would choose a Handler file type and give it a name. When you click OK Visual Studio will create the file for you and open it with a skeleton of starting code. It will have a blank ProcessRequest method, which you put the code from my example into.

    Once you do that you can then run it by simply creating a link to it from another page. You can also test it by simply typing the link to the handler straight into your web browser. This should kick off the process and give you a file download dialog box. If it doesn’t then you will need to put a breakpoint in your code and step through it to find the problem.

    I hope that helps! Let me know if you have additional questions. 🙂

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